• 11346 Mountain View Avenue
  • Loma Linda, California, 92354
  • Stati Uniti
  • Tel:(626) 571-1234
  • Fax: ---.---.-----
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Dr Michael Lam is a western trained physician specializing in nutritional and anti-aging medicine. Dr. Lam is a pioneer in using nontoxic, natural compounds to promote the healing of many age-related degenerative conditions. He utilizes optimum blends of nutritional supplementation that manipulate food, vitamins, natural hormones, herbs, enzymes, and minerals into specific protocols to rejuvenate cellular function.

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DrLam.com updated address

Our new location address:

11346 Mountain View Avenue, Loma Linda, California, 92354, Stati Uniti

DrLam.com updated website

Visit our website @ https://www.drlam.com/